mercoledì 22 maggio 2019

Guitar Learning Tip 3

Every piece must be learned by its own

We are used to think that our guitar heroes can play anything easily at first try. All in all, they are PROS!

But this is not true. Althrough a lot of times songs and riffs are composed in sweet and confortable spots for the composer, this is not all the story. Guitar "heroes" challges themself continuosly. And they need to train and learn just like you do. With the hard work.
So, dont understimate the part you are tryng to learn. Dont be shy, give your self the time to learn every single note, grow the confidence and the grip you have on the song. It is not your limit, this is a job that everyone need to do!

martedì 16 aprile 2019

Minis from the Bigs: Carl Martin Panama British Hot modded OD

I really love the format of this little boy. It is not as mini as we are used to but has a layout that is really space saving. If it is as good as the Carl Martin Plexitone it will be a lovely option.

The main drawback is the price. Should go for about 150€, so it is not cheap.

But i would like a pedalboard made all of stomps with this format!

Minis from the Bigs: MXR Carbon Copy Mini

Since today's news about MXR Carbon Copy Mini and since maybe you like me love mini sized pedals i've decided for a series of posts called "Minis from the Bigs". This is all about having pedals that are little but are made from big brands. Because maybe you want the opportuinity to buy a, maybe, better mini effect for your small board.

So here it is, one of the best selling delays but in a mini format. I regularly use the ZOOM digital version of it so i can bet it is good. Should sell for about 110€.

Give it a try for yourself!

lunedì 15 aprile 2019

Guitar Learning Tip 2

Hear vs Tab

I recently discovered there is a debate going on internet about this.

Some will say that tab is dangerous for your guitar education. It makes the hardwork for you and left you with your hear untrained.

I think that we should take the best of both words.

When you start learning a song a decent tab will help you get faster in to the song. You need to have some fun, especially at the beginning when you have the whole journey of learning a song in front of you.

Then, after you have gained some amount of notes of the song, you can start using your ears. Tabs are not perfect, sometimes what you hear does not match at all with what you read on the tab. This is the moment you go your way. Stop reading and listen carefully. Use your hardwork where it matter. The goal is not track down the song perfectly. Is being happy with what you play. Find the right feel for that special note.

And if it is needed, find the fingering you are most comfortable with. Move the notes in the kayboard until you find the way that is more naturale for you or just sound better.

domenica 14 aprile 2019

Guitar Learning Tip 1

I am dedicating some time to clean my execution of one of the solos in "High speed dirt" from Megadeth.

Thing is there is alway some lick that is harder. Some that you are not sounding as you wish.

Sometimes is better that you stop playing the entire solo and dedicate more time to a smaller part.

Try to isolate the part where your fingers get in trouble and, if it is possible build an exercise on it.

Then play it as slow as you can play it clean. Focus on get the movement right. Focus on make every note sounding right and clean. As slow as it needs to be. Play it for at least 15 minutes in a row, once or more for several day. You will see improvements when you play it faster.

The exericise above looks pretty simple but it is not. There are a lot of things involved. It moves 3 times forward in the keybord and 2 time backward. It uses 2 different fingers position (1-3-4 and 1-2-4), so you are training also your ability to change position. It also stresses the pinky (4) since it is the first finger landing in the new string.