venerdì 15 gennaio 2021

Kiko Loureiro Ampero Preset (Weekly preset 3)

 I've been working on this recently. The song actually is No gravity from the No gravity album

Main information are that Kiko uses a RAT brazilian clone (GNI MKL), a Mesa Boogie Rectifier, some Laney amp and other various things.

I think that this lead is done with the RAT. I've read somewhere that the best way to use a RAT is in fornt on a clean/breakup/light overdrive channel. The laney has a marshally tone so i headed to my Marshell 50 Jump.

Here is the amp:

As usual, all tone knob to the max, like you shoud to push a real plexi.

Add the Black Tail (Rat model):

Notice the volume at 46, many stomp on the Ampero have the unity gain slightly under the 50.

Also the tone control is a filter sono 100 is "all the high freqs gone".

Some word on my goal with this preset. First of all, Kiko as a very dynamic picking and i think that this tone needs a very soft picking to get its most out. Let the gain of the rat do all the job. Second my goal was not to get the tone perfectly as the recording, but to get the same feel, the specific characters of the tone that like, with a tne that is "in the ball park" but, if possible, with a bit of my taste.

Let's go ahead!

Here is my cab of choice. Being an high gain lead tone i've gone for my usual Rector 4x12. The only news here is the mic placement. This was a suggestion made to me by an user on the facebook page. Very useful tip!

Add delay and reverb to taste or dowload the preset from the user group!

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