I love the intros in this album, and last week i spent a lot of time with Just take my hear and CDFF Lucky this time.
This preset is a bit different to my usual approach to guitar tone:
The key here is the gain at 25 (i dont know if you will need a bit of fine tuning!). With an humbucker at max value you are in the crubch territorry but use a single (o a splitted hb) and less volume and you will be as clean as it is needed for the Paul clean tone (AKA compressed/edge of breakup!). Usually i just change preset from clean to cruch and back, but this is own Gilbert do, so i will try to do the same for its songs!
Cab setting:
More informations on cab settings can be found here:
My standard parametric EQ to shelf unwanted freqs:
Then the modulation, was a chorus in the "lean into it" days and to me this one sound closer:
I have 2 preset, one with chorus on and the other with the chorus off.
If you noticed that my icon is different and want to know why, you can find it here:
Then a subtle amount of delay:
And finally a rightous amount of reverb:
The preset was made for headphone playing, input level at 0 and not global EQ.
As usual you can download the preset from the user group!
If you think that i nailed the preset or i am completely wrong you can write down here in the comment or in the fb group!
You can see my list of tutorials here: